Ergonomics Evaluation Checklist for Medical Tablet Personal Computers

Developed by: C. Applay & A. Hedge

Description: A scientific publication that documents an evaluation tool for assessing MSD risk when medical professionals use digital tablets as part of their work. At the end of the article in Appendix A is a 29-question survey; each question is a  Yes/No checkbox. Each “Yes” is considered good and each “No” is considered a target for potential improvement. The authors note there are 51 questions in the full survey, but only 29 appear in the publication. 

The link takes you to the journal’s repository, you’ll need to click on the blue “view pdf” button to access the resource. The full article itself is also visible inside a smaller window in most browsers.

Keywords: Doctor, Nurse, Medical, healthcare, tablet, portable, computer, risk, assessment

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Ergonomics Evaluation Checklist for Medical Tablet Personal Computers - hyperlink (8-page PDF)