ISO 11228-1:2021 Ergonomics - Manual handling (Part 1: Lifting, lowering & carrying)

Developed by: ISO (International Standards Organization)

Description: A standard that provides maximum acceptable recommended limits for lifting, lowering and carrying. It considers the features of the lifting task (distances, reach, ability to hold the object), as well as the task’s frequency and duration, with separate recommendations for an 8-hour or up to 12-hour workday. The standard is based on the NIOSH Lifting Equation, and provides a flow chart framework on how to use it with examples and diagrams.

The standard itself is a 65-page pdf available for purchase at the link. Additional details and information about the standard’s scope and intended audience are also available at the link.

Keywords: standard, guideline, workplace, lift, lower, carry, reach, hold, grab, repetitive, asymmetry intensity, frequency, duration

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Manual handling (Part 1: Lifting, lowering & carrying) - Hyperlink (website; 65-page pdf)