Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)
Developed by: Drs. Sue Hignett & Lynn McAtamney
Description: This assessment computes a score from 1 to 15 that considers a worker’s whole-body posture and some features about the load they’re carrying. The user determines how far away a worker’s trunk, neck, legs, and upper limbs are from a neutral or ideal position, and assigns the worker a score using three lookup tables. Scores are also influenced by the task frequency, loads applied, and movement speeds. The final score is categorized into five MSD risk categories from negligible to very high.
The resource includes a blank pdf users can download to complete the assessment, a “PowerPoint” file with instructions on how to categorize each body segment (trunk, neck, legs, etc), and an Excel Workbook to automatically compute scores without using the lookup tables.
Keywords: posture, trunk, neck, legs, upper arm, forearm, hand, wrist, load, weight, static, lookup, risk