two people looking at clipboards on the job site

Recognize-Assess-Control-Evaluate (RACE)

The Recognize, Assess, Control, Evaluate (RACE) process may be useful to some employers. The process is compatible with the risk assessment process in the basic and comprehensive guidelines.

The Quick Start, Basic and Comprehensive Guidelines provide a step-by-step process to help employers prevent MSD using specific risk assessment process, methods and approaches. 

The Recognize, Assess, Control, Evaluate (RACE) process may be useful to some employers. The process is compatible with the risk assessment process in the basic and comprehensive guidelines.


RACE diagram showing the recognize, assess, control, evaluate cycle with MSD prevention in the middle

Prepare for Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Organizations need to set up a process for recognizing jobs with hazards, including MSD hazards even if no MSD, worker concerns, or reports of discomfort have been recorded. Workplaces need to plan to take advantage of information that they may already collect and review to help recognize jobs that expose workers to MSD hazards.

a circle with "R" in the middle

Recognize Hazards

This refers to “Recognize” in RACE. Typically identified by basic or advanced screening tools, workers’ and other feedback and monitoring of injury and illness. Risk Assessment is the process of identifying hazards, performing preliminary risk assessment, eliminating hazards if possible, performing further assessments as necessary, and choosing and implementing controls. 

a circle with "A" in the middle

Assess Risk

This refers to “Assess” in RACE. If MSD hazards cannot be eliminated and if a more detailed assessment needs to be done, then simple risk assessment might help organizations to identify hazards and assess the risk.

a circle with "C" in the middle

Control Identification and Implementation

This refers to “Control” in RACE. The organization should have a process for identifying, and implementation of appropriate controls to address MSD hazards. This is the most critical step in prevention of MSD.  These control actions then need to be prioritized as a set of targets and goals. 

a circle with "E" in the middle

Evaluate Controls

This refers to “Evaluate” in RACE.  Follow-up and evaluation are essential to ensure the effectiveness of control actions taken to prevent MSD. You should be prepared to try a few fixes to find the right one for workers, the work process and the workplace. The organization should also conduct regular follow-up evaluations to ensure that all control actions have been implemented as planned, are being used correctly and consistently and are continuing to eliminate or mitigate any MSD hazards as planned.

two people talking, one is sitting on a forklift
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