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Case Studies and Stories

Solutions to different workplace musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) hazards you can apply in your organizations.

Share your stories and case studies!

Share your success stories to help prevent MSD! Developing effective solutions can be a difficult task. With workers’ Health & Safety in mind, let’s get together and share successful interventions with each other. Whether you are a part of a company, a professional in the field or a student completing a project or placement, we are looking for case studies to showcase on the MSD Prevention Guideline for Ontario website. Let’s work together to create a robust case study database to help companies work towards preventing MSD in the workplace!

Send us your story in narrative format (less than 500 words) or download the Case Study MSD Template and let us know your experiences with preventing MSD. Please submit your story or case study to

Using Digital Human Modeling (DHM) to Examine Sonographer Upper Extremity Loading

Case Study: Assessment Method

Use of the "Six Sigma" Methodology for MSD Reduction

Case Study: Program

Unsuccessful Return to Work in an Electrical Utility

Case Study: Return to Work

Off the Back: Retaining Older Workers in a Small Roofing Company in Germany

Case Study: Hazard Intervention

MSD Reduction in a Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Workplace

Case Study: Program

Super Coach Program - Injury Reduction Strategy

Case Study: Program

General Warehouse Kit Picker Task Analysis

Case Study: Assessment Method

Sawmill Trim Saw Feeder Operator

ProblemThe operator lifts and adjusts every board with the right hand and reaches back and twists to operate pedestal controls with the left hand.SolutionAn ergonomics committee was formed to…

Hydraulic Ladder Rack

The ProblemGeneral contractors and repair technicians use their work vans to transport tools and equipment to/from various worksites.

Hazards and Controls in Garbage Collection

Concern DetailsBackgroundGarbage collecting requires a worker to retrieve garbage bags from the curb (vertical hand height ~60 cm) and put them into the rear hopper of the truck at a hand height of…

Best Practices for Garbage Collection

Concern DetailsBackgroundCollecting garbage and recyclables is a strenuous job due to heavy loads, awkward postures, and repetitive lifting. Following these recommended practices will help reduce the…

Pneumatic Drywall Finishing Systems

The ProblemTasks required to finish drywall manually, like mudding and taping, demand high forces from the upper limbs and trunk in awkward positions.Awkward postures, such as bent wrists, back…

Tools for Tying Rebar

The ProblemWhether tying rebar together or fastening conduit to rebar with pliers, tying the wire requires workers to make repeated, fast hand and arm twisting movements while applying high grasp…

Silo Mixer

 The ProblemWorkers mixing mortar or grout are required to lift heavy cement bags and buckets of water. Full cement bags weigh around 37 kg, and workers may handle more than 100 bags per day.…

Stair Climbers in Materials Handling

The ProblemTransporting materials, equipment and supplies around worksites often demands high pushing/pulling or lifting forces, especially when stairs are an obstacle.For transporting heavy loads up…

Tools for Installing Plastic Plumbing Piping

The Problem: Manual Crimping

Stand-up Auto Feed Screw Gun

 The ProblemUsing screw guns and other fastening tools at or near ground level require stooping, bending, kneeling, or squatting for long periods of time.Working repeatedly in these positions…

Motorized Concrete Screeds

The ProblemA hand screed requires the worker to be bent over, using a strong grip to pull the board over the wet concrete.Workers exert a lot of shoulder and arm force repeatedly.Doing this work…

Maintenance Hole Cover Lifters

The ProblemMaintenance workers are exposed to extremely high forces when handling maintenance hole covers. To remove the hole cover or frame, a pry bar is used and then the cover or frame is dragged/…

Use of Mesh Bulkheads

The ProblemWhen building and installing bulkheads, wood is used - usually scrap material from the site.Constructing bulk heads involves a number of awkward postures, including stooping or kneeling.…

Hydraulic Mixer For Concrete, Mortar, and Grout

The ProblemLoading and unloading mixers requires awkward and twisting postures. When workers mix grout and mortar in the traditional way, they have to repeatedly shovel sand into the mixer.…

Lifting Cabin for Heavy Equipment in Construction

 The ProblemConstruction workers who operate boom trucks often have to maintain static awkward neck postures.Neck extension is required to look up at the end of the boom. This posture increases…

Knee Creepers

The ProblemConstruction work performed at floor level often requires workers to stoop, squat or kneel for prolonged periods of time.Biomechanical research shows that high compression forces occur in…

Grout Delivery System

The ProblemWhen workers deliver grout using the traditional method, they have to shovel loads of grout into buckets and then carry the buckets to the masons.Full buckets of grout weigh around 32 kgs…

Frame Wall Lifter in Construction

The ProblemWalls are constructed on the ground in a horizontal position. After the wall is built, a framing crew lifts the wall to an upright position.Workers are exposed to extremely high forces…

Flatbed Ladders for Climbing on Flatbed Trailers

 The ProblemWorkers are often required to climb on and off flatbed trailers to retrieve supply shipments and unload/load equipment.It is difficult to safely limb on and off the flatbed trailer…

Tool for Drilling Ceiling Anchor Holes

The ProblemDrilling holes in ceilings requires working on ladders or elevated work platforms.The work involves repeated forceful exertions while working above the shoulder.This task can be repeated…

Unloading Boxes from a Skid

Concern DetailsTask DescriptionOne worker is responsible for unloading all packages off a skid onto an automated conveyor. Initially the task was performed without the use of a pallet lifter, at a…

Loading and Unloading Cages and Carts

BackgroundWhen packages exit the cubing machine, they are sorted into cages and carts for transport or to be pushed to different areas around the facility to be sorted further. Workers are required…

Practices for Courier Drivers when Handling Packages

Concern Details Task DescriptionCourier drivers are required to deliver and load packages through the rear door of the truck numerous times throughout the day (up to 80 times in a shift). Forces…

Recommendations for Rear Courier Truck Doors

For the Driver:Store heavier packages off the floor and ideally between knee and shoulder height and lift packages one at a time.Follow good lifting techniques – refer to “Lifting Safety” brochure by…

Analysis of Three Tarping Systems for Flatbed Transport Trailers

Introduction: Loads transported on flatbed trailers must often be covered with large tarps or other covering systems to protect them from the elements. Manual tarping requires drivers to lift…

Things to Consider When Buying a Truck

Case study.

Moving Freight Pallets (Air Cans)

Driving a Garbage Collection Truck

Concern Details Background: Truck drivers spend extended periods of time sitting in their trucks. Occupational drivers have also been shown to increase risk for developing musculoskeletal…

Letter Bags

Sorting of Recyclables

Concern DetailsBackground:Multiple stations in the recycling facility have workers visually inspect recyclable material that is traveling down an automated conveyer. The workers are required to…

Collection of Recyclables

Concern Details

Lifting Tools for Nursery Workers