Office Sit-Stand Workstations

Change it up 

Move early, before you feel pain and move often:

  • Change from sit to stand every 30 minutes.
  • Build your tolerance to standing starting with 5-15 min periods.
  • Don't sit or stand for more than 30 min at a time and  no more than 4 hours of standing in the work day
two mannequins at a desk, left is sitting posture right is standing

When switching between sitting and standing: 

A) Set your desk height (ensure forearms are horizontal).

B) Make sure your keyboard is about elbow level and your mouse is close to the keyboard.

C) Ensure your monitor screen is at eye level. The location of the monitor changes between sitting and standing and needs to be adjusted. Keyboard and mouse placement may change too.


STEP 1: Set Chair Height
  • Knees and hips should be at 90° angles (thighs horizontal; lower legs vertical). Feet should be flat on the floor.
STEP 2: Set Chair Settings
  • Adjust backrest and seat pan such that the low back is well supported and there is no contact between the seat pan and back of the knees.
STEP 3: Set Desk Height
  • Adjust desk height to be at or slightly below elbow height.
STEP 4: Set Your Desk
  • Have your forearms approximately horizontal, with your wrists straight and not bent back.
  • The keyboard should be at about elbow level with the mouse close to the side of the keyboard to prevent side reaching.
STEP 5: Set Monitor Height
  • The top of the computer screen should be at or below eye level and about an arm’s length away.


STEP 1: Set Desk Height
  • Adjust desk height to be at or slightly below elbow height.
STEP 2: Set Your Desk
  • The keyboard should be at about elbow level with the mouse close to the side of the keyboard to prevent side reaching.
  • The goal is to have the forearms approximately horizontal, with the wrists straight and not bent back.
STEP 3: Set Monitor Height 
  • The top of the computer screen should be at or below eye level and about an arm’s length away.

Note: The monitor height above the desk is not the same as sitting.

Transition Early and Often

4 mannequins showing different seated and standing postures.

Did you know?

  • Sit-Stand workstations when used correctly, can help relieve musculoskeletal discomfort, specifically low back pain.
  • Switching from 8 hours of sitting to 8 hours of standing and  vice versa will not prevent MSDs – try to change between sitting and standing at least every 30 minutes.
  • Sit-Stand workstation usage training can strengthen the benefits of sit-stand workstations. Incorrect use can have negative effects, such as increased discomfort.
  • When raising and lowering the Sit-Stand workstation remember to also adjust other office equipment such as your monitor location when transitioning. Monitor height above the desk and distance from your eyes in Sitting is not the same as in Standing.
  • For a standard 8 hour workday, aim for a 1:1 ratio  (4 hours total sitting and 4 hours standing) with frequent transitions – change between sitting and standing at least every 30 minutes. Avoid long continuous periods of time in either sitting or standing.
  • Increased Total Daily Sitting Time (i.e. combining time spent sitting at work & time spent sitting during leisure activities) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sit-Stand workstations can help you reduce overall total sitting time.
  • Sit-Stand workstations can offer opportunities to stand, thus decreasing time sitting at work, and help you reduce overall sitting time.

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Quick Start Guide: Office Poster 7 (2 page PDF)