Regardless of the type of control action to be taken, the organization should implement necessary changes as outlined in Step 4.3. The management is responsible to ensure effective and timely implementation of control actions.

Action 6.1: Implement control actions 

The implementation of control actions is a collaborative effort and the organization should involve appropriate stakeholders when necessary.  

How to do it? 
  • The organization should implement control actions and necessary changes to achieve goals and targets outlined in Step 4.
  • The organization should perform specific training for workers/users who will be affected by the change.
  • The supervisor, manager, or worker representative should inform potentially affected workers the introduction of the change before putting in place controls for multiple areas or workspaces (use it in a limited way e.g., a single workspace).

Note: If the changes are not working, even in the short term after modification, go back to Step 4.  

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