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ProblemThe operator lifts and adjusts every board with the right hand and reaches back and twists to operate pedestal controls with the left hand.SolutionAn ergonomics committee was formed to…
Concern DetailsBackgroundGarbage collecting requires a worker to retrieve garbage bags from the curb (vertical hand height ~60 cm) and put them into the rear hopper of the truck at a hand height of…
CRE-MSD position paper. Written by Wesley Killen and Tammy Eger.
Concern Details Task DescriptionCourier drivers are required to deliver and load packages through the rear door of the truck numerous times throughout the day (up to 80 times in a shift). Forces to…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A framework to help workplaces establish and maintain safe patient handling programs in hospitals and similar acute health-care settings.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An overview about how driving can affect your health that covers the seat design, interfacing with the steering wheel and pedals, and other features of the car that could…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A book about safe patient handling and safe mobility programs with design, business, facilitation, and evaluation perspectives

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