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AuthorsKayla M. Fewster & Clark R. DickersonKey messagesOverhead work is a known MSD risk strongly related to the development of shoulder injuriesWhenever possible, overhead work should be…
mannequin sitting in a car seat holding the steering wheel
What to look for and how to adjust your vehicle.NOTE: Each vehicle make and model has different features and controls. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for more information on your vehicle.
Webinar - Exercise-based MSD prevention programs: Development of a daily movement practice strategy to facilitate implementation and sustainability (Fall 2017)Webinar descriptionWhen fundamental…
Proficiency in mobility and manual skills is essential for quality of life for both caregivers and clients. This webinar will review efforts to improve the mobility and manual skills of providers…
mannequins showing different overhead working postures for high precision tasks, the direction of force, and prolonged time
A known MSD risk strongly related to the development of shoulder and neck injuries and pain. Image
Animated video demonstrating examples of manual materials handling (MMH) solutions to eliminate or control musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) hazards in manufacturing & warehousing workplaces. Manual…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A series of five videos with strategies to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in dental health workers.

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