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Examples of solutions from Manual Materials Handling Poster for weight lifted and lowered, and weight carried. Solutions shown include Roller/transfer table, lift assist device, overhead crane/hoist, portable crane/hoist. For Weight carried, solutions include: conveyor systems, carts/dollies, hand trucks, and manual pallet truck.
Manual materials handling (MMH) poster shows solutions to control MSD hazards in manufacturing & warehousing. MMH includes lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing, pulling & gripping materials.
AuthorsArmstrong, D., Su-Wen Yap, B., & Fischer, S.L.
Proficiency in mobility and manual skills is essential for quality of life for both caregivers and clients. This webinar will review efforts to improve the mobility and manual skills of providers…
Animated video demonstrating examples of manual materials handling (MMH) solutions to eliminate or control musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) hazards in manufacturing & warehousing workplaces. Manual…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–set of 3 guidelines on the design of healthcare settings. The design guides include information on the workplace environment & layout to ensure the safety&health of…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A guideline for determining how much space you need to install and use lift-assists in various healthcare settings.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A series of five videos with strategies to prevent musculoskeletal disorders in dental health workers.

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