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Learn more about keyboard position and MSD risk in this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
Learn more about keyboard position and MSD risk in this CRE-MSD YouTube video.  
Learn more about keyboard position and MSD risk in this CRE-MSD YouTube video.
List of general control strategies for heavy, frequent or awkward lifting.
Provide carts that have vertical or height-adjustable handles to enable different-sized workers to position their hands between waist and shoulder height. Use larger wheels on carts and bins as this…
Animated video demonstrating examples of manual materials handling (MMH) solutions to eliminate or control musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) hazards in manufacturing & warehousing workplaces. Manual…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An overview of how to limit back injuries at work related to lifting, carrying, lowering or moving objects. It includes information on changing the job, changing the…

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