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Examples of solutions from Manual Materials Handling Poster for weight lifted and lowered, and weight carried. Solutions shown include Roller/transfer table, lift assist device, overhead crane/hoist, portable crane/hoist. For Weight carried, solutions include: conveyor systems, carts/dollies, hand trucks, and manual pallet truck.
Manual materials handling (MMH) poster shows solutions to control MSD hazards in manufacturing & warehousing. MMH includes lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing, pulling & gripping materials.
AuthorsArmstrong, D., Su-Wen Yap, B., & Fischer, S.L.
Animated video demonstrating examples of manual materials handling (MMH) solutions to eliminate or control musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) hazards in manufacturing & warehousing workplaces. Manual…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A magazine article with six recommendations to reduce musculoskeletal disorders in mechanical, sheet metal, and similar workers.
The ProblemLoading and unloading mixers requires awkward and twisting postures. When workers mix grout and mortar in the traditional way, they have to repeatedly shovel sand into the mixer.…
The ProblemDrilling holes in ceilings requires working on ladders or elevated work platforms.The work involves repeated forceful exertions while working above the shoulder.This task can be repeated…
The ProblemConstruction work performed at floor level often requires workers to stoop, squat or kneel for prolonged periods of time.Biomechanical research shows that high compression forces occur in…

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