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Shoulder injuries have the longest average recovery time in comparison to all other body regions.
This video shows overhead work postures with examples of how to improve them. View the related poster resource. 
mannequins showing different overhead working postures for high precision tasks, the direction of force, and prolonged time
A known MSD risk strongly related to the development of shoulder and neck injuries and pain. Image
The ProblemDrilling holes in ceilings requires working on ladders or elevated work platforms.The work involves repeated forceful exertions while working above the shoulder.This task can be repeated…
Developed by: the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. Description: Handbook provides examples of several controls developed after the implementation of a participatory…
The ProblemTasks required to finish drywall manually, like mudding and taping, demand high forces from the upper limbs and trunk in awkward positions.Awkward postures, such as bent wrists, back…

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