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Examples of solutions from Manual Materials Handling Poster for weight lifted and lowered, and weight carried. Solutions shown include Roller/transfer table, lift assist device, overhead crane/hoist, portable crane/hoist. For Weight carried, solutions include: conveyor systems, carts/dollies, hand trucks, and manual pallet truck.
Manual materials handling (MMH) poster shows solutions to control MSD hazards in manufacturing & warehousing. MMH includes lifting, lowering, carrying, pushing, pulling & gripping materials.
Concern DetailsTask DescriptionOne worker is responsible for unloading all packages off a skid onto an automated conveyor. Initially the task was performed without the use of a pallet lifter, at a…
 The ProblemWorkers are often required to climb on and off flatbed trailers to retrieve supply shipments and unload/load equipment.It is difficult to safely limb on and off the flatbed trailer…
Concern DetailsBackground:Multiple stations in the recycling facility have workers visually inspect recyclable material that is traveling down an automated conveyer. The workers are required to…
List of general control strategies for heavy, frequent or awkward lifting.
List of general control strategies for hand work and gripping.
Provide carts that have vertical or height-adjustable handles to enable different-sized workers to position their hands between waist and shoulder height. Use larger wheels on carts and bins as this…

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