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Tables of common MSD hazards, space to check "yes/no", and corrective options are provided to use if the hazard is present. Chairs, keyboard/mouse, monitors, and environmental components are covered.
Job title:Date:Analyst:
Psychosocial Factors in the Workplace Influence Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) and Mental HealthWorkplace psychosocial factors are cultural, social and psychological factors determined at or by the…
Workers with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are at higher risk of opioid use and subsequent risk of opioid related harms. In some cases, this could result in the use of opioids at work to return to…
Hyperlink; Assessment–A comprehensive assessment of patient handling practices for use by an ergonomist or similar trained professional. Covers facility resources, current practices, environmental…
Hyperlink; Assessment–A current and forward-facing assessment of safe patient handling practices in healthcare settings. Assesses management practices and direct hazards.
Hyperlink; Assessment–A scientific publication with a 29-item Yes/No checklist to assess MSDs related tablet use among medical professionals. The article documents the development of the checklist,…