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mannequins showing examples of how to position the back.
The low back is the most commonly injured body part due to workplace hazards in Canada.
Proficiency in mobility and manual skills is essential for quality of life for both caregivers and clients. This webinar will review efforts to improve the mobility and manual skills of providers…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A guideline on how to implement a safe client handling program in five steps. Each step provides a general framework and links to other resources.
Developed by: PSHSA (Public Services Health & Safety Association)Description: Appendices of the Optimizing Your Safe Client Handling Program from Public Services Health & Safety Association (…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A collection of tip sheets for farm workers that describe ways to reduce the risk of developing low back and upper limb disorders. Also includes general guidelines and…
Developed by: Ontario Safety Association for Community & HealthcareDescription: Document provides guidance to community and health care workplace parties, health and safety professionals, and…

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