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mannequins showing different overhead working postures for high precision tasks, the direction of force, and prolonged time
A known MSD risk strongly related to the development of shoulder and neck injuries and pain. Image
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–An overview of how to limit back injuries at work related to lifting, carrying, lowering or moving objects. It includes information on changing the job, changing the…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A summary of hazards and control measures for manual materials handling.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A guideline for grocery store workplaces that focuses on ways to use lift-assist or carry-assist tools to prevent injuries related to lifting, bending, and carrying.
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A collection of tip sheets for farm workers that describe ways to reduce the risk of developing low back and upper limb disorders. Also includes general guidelines and…
Hyperlink; Hazard Control–A brief info sheet with tips to reduce risks linked to lifting and bending in childcare workers.

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