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image showing all the parts of the quick start guidelines: folders, posters, and large summary poster
Animated video demonstrating examples of what the Quick Start Guidelines are and how they can be used to eliminate or control musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) hazards in all workplaces.
Hyperlink; Assessment–A scientific publication with a 29-item Yes/No checklist to assess MSDs related tablet use among medical professionals. The article documents the development of the checklist,…
Hyperlink; Hazard ID–An interactive Excel file to help identify MSD risk factors tailored to six major industries: agriculture, construction, healthcare, janitorial/maintenance services, and retail.
Hyperlink; Hazard ID–A checklist to identify potential MSD hazards associated with office workstations and computer use. The resource features six yes/no checklist items with graphics to indicate…
Hyperlink; Hazard ID–A 2-page checklist to identifying potential hazards when handling objects weighing 10 pounds or more. The checklist considers repetition, workplace design, task demands, and a…
Hyperlink; Hazard ID–A two-page checklist to guide users to setting up and using a home office workstation
Hyperlink; Assessment–A way to estimate whether a task involving the hand and wrist is safe or hazardous. The user inputs numbers describing the task, effort required, and wrist posture and the…

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